This really needs to be double-clicked into. How fat? It's impossible for a morbidly obese person to be healthy.
Blood pressure and blood sugar levels are only two health indicators out of many, and even if the numbers are okay now because of the resilience of a younger body, what about a few years or a few decades down the road? What about their HDL/LDL ratio, joint health, sleep quality, and mental acuity?
Most alarmingly, there is a strong correlation between neurological healthy and healthy weight.
The findings, published in the International Journal of Epidemiology, suggest that people who are obese in late adulthood face a 31% increased risk of dementia than those whose body mass index (BMI) is within the 'normal' range. The risk may be particularly high for women.
I agree that fat-shaming is nonsense and everyone has equal value regardless of how much we weigh. However, to sugarcoat over the huge costs of being overweight on health is irresponsible and a lie.